Thursday, May 6, 2010

Proposed Airport Expansion

Write a four paragraph review of your ArcMap experience that discusses the potential and pitfalls of GIS:

My ArcMap experience was unusual and stressful. I had trouble with the tutorial and required addition research in obtaining what was asked for. Once completed, I realized that I skipped a page of crucial directions that would easily saved me 30 minutes. Other than that, I enjoyed the tutorial. It was clear and helped me understand what I needed to do. Even though it was long and required patience, I believe I have a better knowledge with programming ArcGIS. It was a good thing the class had two weeks to complete the assignment.

The ArcMap program does show the potential GIS systems have and what can be accomplished. The ability to put vast amounts of detailed data into a map is incredible. GIS is a young subject of expertise and a growing business. Even some of the professionals of the program can learn something new that is of value. From Layering to comparing data and analyzing figures; It allows virtually anything with map making with little difficulty.

Pitfalls may include user friendliness. The average person cannot just sit down and expect to master the program easily like Microsoft Word or Paint. I needed a long period of time with trial and error to succeed. Much practice is need, but its worth it if you want to succeed in this field. Another pitfall may include data errors that will lead up to conflation. One must be sure the data entered is correct.

Overall, I enjoyed the assignment. Erin also told me I would learn from this and be a better person. And she was right! She helped so much and if any professor reads this blog, you should hire her in a heart beat because she is caring and wants all her students to do well, but learn the subject in doing so. The ArcGIS is an important program for geography.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good. Remember to proof your "print out". Your legend shouldn't have text with underscores (name_name) in it. Also note that saying GIS systems is redundant(geographic information systems systems).

    Keep up the time and work that you're putting into this class--I'm sure it will help you to become a better person.

